Mystic Tie Lodge No. 1032
A.F. & A.M.
Under the jurisdiction of the
American Canadian Grand Lodge e.V. (ACGL)
Within the United Grand Lodges of Germany
Brotherhood of Freemasons
Represents the Joint Unification of the Lodges below.

An English speaking Lodge, founded by American and Canadian Military Masons following World War II, located in Würzburg GermanyIn the beginning … of the year nineteen hundred and forty six, Freemasonry in Germany was almost without form and virtually void. Darkness had spread its cloak upon the face of the Continent for years. But the spirit of Freemasonry lingered and glowed in the hearts of men, and there were Masons who said there would be Light again.
And Lo! there came a time when there was Light… again!
Dedication To those stalwart Masons whose great personal courage helped keep the spirit of Freemasonry alive in Germany during the dark days of Nazi terror and to those whose determination, devotion, and sacrifice resulted in rekindling of the Masonic Lights in the Federal Republic of Germany and the City of Berlin-West .Lodge was founded on 29. October 1956.

By authority of the Charter granted by the United Grand Lodges of Germany on 29 October 1960, this Lodge was accordingly formed as a just and duly constituted lodge of Freemasons, bearing the name Morelight, AF&AM, and numbered 874 on the Rolls of the United Grand Lodges of Germany

Chartered 9 September 1961 in Kitzingen Germany, by American Military Masons.
All other history has been lost.

The lodge Archives reveal that Masons from the Bamberg Military Community were conducting meeting as early as January 1954. they found a club named ”Acacia Club” and the meetings were held at the Bayerischer Hof hotel in Bamberg. The president of the Acacia Club was Brother Eugene N. Garlock, a member of Harrison Lodge #122., Brandenburg, Kentucky. In July 1954 the Acacia Club members began to participate in Masonic fellowship under the supervision of the German Lodge ”Zur Verbruederung an der Regnitz Loge ‘437, under the jurisdiction of the United Grand Lodges of Germany.
On 5 December 1955, the members of the Acacia Club voted to request permission to establish a Lodge of American Military personal to enable qualified persons to petition for Masonic work and become Masons. A request that a letter of dispensation be granted so that a Military lodge designated ”Bamberg Acacia Lodge Nr. ( ), ” was sent to the Grand Master of the United Grand Lodges of Germany.
On 30 April 1956 an affiliation and foundation ceremony of the U.S. Deputy Lodge ”Bamberg Acacia Lodge # 832”, under the jurisdiction of the United Grand Lodges of Germany” was held in the German Lodge “Zur Verbruederung an der Regnitz #437”. The members of the newly formed U.S. Deputy Lodge were affiliated as regular members of the German Lodge.
On 7 May 1956, the first regular communication of Bamberg Acacia Lodge # 832 was held. the records of Bamberg Acacia Club were closed and placed in the Lodge archives. On 13 September 1958 Bamberg Acacia Lodge # 832 was chartered as a just and duly constituted Lodge of Freemasons, by the authority granted by the United grand Lodges of Germany (VGLvD), and later placed under the jurisdictional authority of the American Canadian Provincial Grand Lodge, which later became the American Canadian grand Lodge (ACGL) AF&AM.